Hallo die Herren,heute seht Ihr die ersten Figuren aus dem Set #094 The Battle of Carrhae "First Triumvirate" THE LEGIONS OF MARCUS LICINIUS CRASSUS Set 2Die hier gezeigten Figuren sind alles noch Prototypen und entsprechen nicht den hochqualitativen fertigen Figuren im Set.Hello gentlemen,Today you see the first figure from set #094 The Battle of Carrhae "First Triumvirate" THE LEGIONS OF MARCUS LICINIUS CRASSUS Set 2The figures shown here are all prototypes and do not correspond to the high-quality finished figures in the set.ciaolinear-A
J'aime pas celle ci.Une flèche en plein front, et au vu de la longueur à l'intérieur de la tête, il serait mort sur le coup. Pas très réaliste.
Maybe it is a throwing dart. It looks too big to be an arrow. Maybe he is going to throw it?I don't know. ... Perhaps someone (Andreas?) could enlighten us?
hi das sieht schon nice aus
hy guys prototypes Sometimes it's helpful to read BristAndreas
Zitat von linear-A im Beitrag #5hy guys prototypes Sometimes it's helpful to read BristAndreas