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Beiträge: 373 | Punkte: 746 | Zuletzt Online: 25.07.2024
Dianelis Georgios
3. Oktober 1980
Ancient and Medieval Miniatures
Thessaloniki Greece
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    • GeorgeDianelis hat einen neuen Beitrag "Hät 8166, Les Grenadiers de ligne Français au 1/72." geschrieben. 24.07.2024

      It's an alternative proposal that doesn't glorify the Emperor (who is also a favorite of mine). It was written by a Spanish journalist, war correspondent of many wars from 1975 to 1995. Of course, he does not praise Spain either. It maintains a neutrality and presents the horrors of war. In essence he takes the place of the French soldier who either went to this war against his will or because he was inspired with the great French idea. In the end he discovers that there is no such thing as the glory he was commanded. The author perfectly describes the battle scenes showing great knowledge of the tactics of that time. The ending of the book is realistically chilling.

    • GeorgeDianelis hat einen neuen Beitrag "Hät 8166, Les Grenadiers de ligne Français au 1/72." geschrieben. 24.07.2024

      Yesterday I finished reading a novel that tells the story of a young French Hussar officer during the campaign in Spain. The story takes place around 1808 shortly after the Madrid uprising. The story is shocking and I recommend you to read it. The book is called Hussar and the author is Arturo Pérez-Reverte. The book was written in Spanish but will probably have been translated into other languages ​​as well. I read it in Greek.

    • GeorgeDianelis hat einen neuen Beitrag "ritter aus unterschiedlichen nationen" geschrieben. 24.07.2024

      Much better photos. Nice metallic color of the armor. I also like the symbols. These figures were among Caesar's most beautiful.

    • GeorgeDianelis hat einen neuen Beitrag "Hät 8166, Les Grenadiers de ligne Français au 1/72." geschrieben. 23.07.2024

      Yes of course. Somehow that was the reality with uniforms. Except for the old guard Grenadiers who are always shown spotlessly clean in white trousers.

    • GeorgeDianelis hat einen neuen Beitrag "Aus der Versenkung geholt !" geschrieben. 22.07.2024

      The Hät Roman command set had beautiful figures.
      Also correct colors and thorough painting. Only the shadows and highlights are missing.

    • GeorgeDianelis hat einen neuen Beitrag "Hät 8166, Les Grenadiers de ligne Français au 1/72." geschrieben. 22.07.2024

      Good evening Stéphane,
      I would first of all like to mention that from 1808 to 1812 and the campaign in Russia, each French line infantry battalion consisted of four companies of fusiliers, one company of voltiguers and one company of grenadiers. The grenadiers of the line were the equivalent of the grenadiers of the guard, the elite soldiers of the line.
      After this introduction I would like to mention that I really like the colors. They are very lively and intense.
      I also think you painted the color of the pants very nicely.
      The red plumes are also very beautiful.

    • GeorgeDianelis hat einen neuen Beitrag "Hät 8069, les Daces au 1/72." geschrieben. 19.07.2024

      Shadows, highlights and all the details of the fine technique are best seen in the video.

    • GeorgeDianelis hat einen neuen Beitrag "Aus der Versenkung geholt !" geschrieben. 17.07.2024

      The colors are correct and the shots are much better, well done. I have also bought these figures but have not painted them. When I do I will use roughly the same colors. However, your best work so far remains the Waterloo diorama.

    • GeorgeDianelis hat einen neuen Beitrag "Aus der Versenkung geholt !" geschrieben. 17.07.2024

      These Zvezda figures were among the highest quality 1/72 scale figures. I like the choice of colors. It also looks like you painted accurately. You should try shading or layering techniques. But certainly the photo taking is not the best. Anyway, well done for your work and for presenting it to us.

    • GeorgeDianelis hat einen neuen Beitrag "Hät 8170, les Chasseurs de la Garde au 1/72." geschrieben. 16.07.2024

      before I start with the commentary on the painting I must mention some information about these elite soldiers.
      Napoleon's Imperial Guard during the 1812 campaign in Russia was an autonomous army corps consisting of infantry, cavalry and artillery. Infantry were distinguished according to years of service into the new guard, the middle guard and the old guard. Most people know the Grenadiers of the Old Guard. But the old guard, in addition to the Grenadiers, also consisted of the Chasseurs (hunters). Napoleon hardly engaged them in battle. Αt Waterloo they preferred to die rather than surrender.
      For painting, simply fantastic.
      That blue which is a trademark of many napoleonic units (blue stains as I recently read in a novel) is beautiful and intense.
      I also really like the bearskin on the hats. Characteristic of officers and elite units.
      In general, the uniforms are very beautiful.
      I will wait for the video to enjoy all the details.

    • GeorgeDianelis hat einen neuen Beitrag "Macedonian Hypaspists 356 BC - 316 BC" geschrieben. 14.07.2024

      Zitat von Dioclétien im Beitrag #19
      OK, thank's for the information.

      You are welcome,
      this is a topic I have studied a lot and am happy to discuss. I know less about the other topic of discussion that has been opened, namely about the Carthaginians.

    • GeorgeDianelis hat einen neuen Beitrag "Carthaginians" geschrieben. 14.07.2024

      Zitat von cernief im Beitrag #13
      Ah yes, in that context you are correct. :) I know a disc-breastplate has been found in the Carthage "area", and has been ascribed to be Bruttian. Quite a lot of Bruttians followed Hannibal to Carthage and fought at Zama.

      Exactly, we agree.

    • GeorgeDianelis hat einen neuen Beitrag "Hät 8079, Les Guerriers Nubiens au 1/72." geschrieben. 14.07.2024

      Zitat von Dioclétien im Beitrag #17
      Yes George D.
      the Greek football team in 2004 had a very rough, very closed style of play..

      Good morning Pablo,
      yes they were quite a defensive team but here in Greece we didn't care about that at all.

    • GeorgeDianelis hat einen neuen Beitrag "Hät 8079, Les Guerriers Nubiens au 1/72." geschrieben. 14.07.2024

      Zitat von cernief im Beitrag #16
      Only Brian Laudrup played in those games. Michael was getting older, and had decided he didn't want to play any more on the national team. But yes, those were great times :)

      Good morning,
      yes i remembered one of the two playing but i didn't remember who. However, a great Danish national team.

    • GeorgeDianelis hat einen neuen Beitrag "Hät 8079, Les Guerriers Nubiens au 1/72." geschrieben. 13.07.2024

      Claus, in 1992 all football fans in Greece supported Denmark, who won the European cup against all odds. I was 12 years old then but I remember from that Danish team the Laudrup brothers and the goalkeeper Peter Schmeichel.

    • GeorgeDianelis hat einen neuen Beitrag "Carthaginians" geschrieben. 13.07.2024

      Hi Claus, since yesterday I've been waiting for you to talk a little about history. Well your reasoning confused me a bit. Hannibal in 218 B.C,. he crossed the Alps with 50,000 infantry, 9,000 cavalry and 37 elephants. From 218 B.C. until 216 B.C. defeated the Romans in various battles culminating in the Battle of Cannae in Apulia (216 B.C.). In 204 B.C. the Romans land in Africa and Hannibal is forced to return to Carthage. In 202 B.C. in the battle of Zama the Romans defeated the Carthaginians. The only reference we have to the Carthaginian Veterans is at the battle of Zama. These veterans come from Hannibal's campaign in Italy and are equipped with Roman armor.
      Therefore the Veterans of Hannibal are identified with the Carthaginian Veterans. I also consider it self-evident that their weaponry would not be exclusively Roman but a combination of the two cultures.

    • GeorgeDianelis hat einen neuen Beitrag "Carthaginians" geschrieben. 13.07.2024

      I notice great historical accuracy in both the armor and the shields.
      It could inspire Linear-A to give us a set with the famous Carthaginian Veterans.

    • GeorgeDianelis hat einen neuen Beitrag "Macedonian Hypaspists 356 BC - 316 BC" geschrieben. 13.07.2024

      Zitat von Dioclétien im Beitrag #17
      Bonjour George Dianelis,
      Petite erreur de ma part ..il ne s'agissait pas des "boucliers" mais des "casques" (peints en bleu)...
      Après, à propos de mon prénom: une origine espagnole et alsacienne. Vit en France.

      Bonjour Pablo,
      Spain and Alsace are a nice combination. Ok I got carried away talking about porphyra (purple). Now about the blue (kyano in Greek) of the helmets, the information we have is as follows: The Macedonians borrowed this custom from the Thracians. Apparently it would have been a habit of the nobles of Thrace. In the Macedonian army the blue color on the helmet was a sign of military rank. Officers had this privilege. HOWEVER in elite units such as the Hypaspists it was the privilege of the entire unit. In these cases the officers would possibly paint the helmet purple to distinguish them, as in the picture on the Hät box.
      The blue color on the helmets only appears in the infantry, so it must not be associated with noble or royal descent but was only indicative of military rank or unit origin.

    • GeorgeDianelis hat einen neuen Beitrag "Hät 8100, l'Infanterie Moyenne Romaine tardive au 1/72." geschrieben. 13.07.2024

      I enjoyed this video too.
      I really liked the shields and the colors of the clothes.
      Excellent technique gives realism to the colors.
      Also nice work you do with the videos. It brings out all the details of the figure.



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