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| Zuletzt Online: 30.11.2024
Nicely painted samurai figures but it's a historical period I haven't dealt with. I am waiting to find out the manufacturer of the Mongols. Is the scale 1/72?
I really like the heavy cavalry figures. Are they pretending to be Mongols? Which manufacturer is it?
Hi Figurenmaler, glad you noticed. It's not a primer, it's a burnt umber color (very dark brown), I use it instead of a primer. It is a realistic color for creases.
Good morning, I will upload some more pictures.
[[File:20241125_101700~2.jpg|none|fullsize]] [[File:20241125_101832.jpg|none|fullsize]] [[File:20241125_102006.jpg|none|fullsize]] [[File:20241125_102417.jpg|none|fullsize]]
Hello Claus, I will agree with what you write but this time I will support the color choice of the figurenmaler. The Greek skirmishers were indeed poor and could not afford the expensive dye called porphyra (purple). But if these warriors were the famous Agrianian javelinmen then they could wear purple cloaks. For these elite warriors would have been granted from the royal treasury. [[File:_1__????????,_??_?????????_??????????_???_???????????__Unofficial_?????????_-_YouTube__1_.png|none|fullsize]]
Very nice colors, nice shadows and highlights.
Good morning Stéphane, the flag is beautiful, very nice colors.
Zitat von Brist im Beitrag #3 Ah, excellente initiative, très bonne question !
Alors, pour ma part :
1 - Linear-A 2 - Zvezda 3 - Esci / Italeri / Caesar Miniatures 4 - Imex / Revell 5 - Hät / Emhar / Orion / Red Box / Strelets 6 - Mars
Ce sont les marques que j'ai eu plusieurs fois l'occasion de peindre, et, mon classement ne prends pas en compte uniquement la gravure. Mais également, le choix et la variété des sujets proposés.
Yes of course Stéphane, everyone has their own reasons for their list but from what I see we basically agree.
Zitat von cernief im Beitrag #2 My own list would be:
1). Linear-A, 2). Caesar, 3). Zvezda, 4). HäT, 5). Italieri 6). Emhar 7). Revell, 8). Strelets, 9). Ultima Ratio, 10). Airfix
Some of those choices were tough. Linear-A for me remains nr. 1 despite prices.
Linear-A is number one for many reasons.
Zitat von cernief im Beitrag #1 George Dianelis, in another thread asked the question:
"I'll ask this question on the forum: Rank your favorite figure manufacturers (for your own reasons). Will let me start:
ZVEZDA was number one until Linear-A came along."
It might be an interesting discussion
Hi Claus, good idea to start a new topic. I will rewrite my list by including Italeri, which has beautiful figures for antiquity. 1)LINEAR-A 2) ZVEZDA 3) CAESAR 4) MINI ART 5) RED BOX 6) HÄT 7)ITALERI 8) EMHAR 9) ULTIMA RATIO 10) STRELETS 11) MARS.
Hi Pablo, thanks for the historical details. The figures are very beautiful as is the painting. Good choice of colors.
Very nice figures and correct coloring. The painting is flawless. I like the blue and black highlights. I'm waiting for the video to see all the details.
I know Stéphane that it is from 2005, I am asking if you present these figures for the first time?
ITALERI deserves to be on my list, but I don't know at which number.
Hi Stéphane, have we seen these figures before or are they new?
Nice discussion. I'll ask this question on the forum: Rank your favorite figure manufacturers (for your own reasons). Will let me start: 1) LINEAR-A 2) ZVEZDA 3) CAESAR 4) MINI ART 5) RED BOX 6) HÄT 7) EMHAR 8) ULTIMA RATIO 9) STRELETS 10) MARS.
ZVEZDA was number one until Linear-A came along.
Very very very realistic!!!!
Thanks for the information. I was completely ignorant of the utility of this carriage.