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Beiträge: 183 | Punkte: 368 | Zuletzt Online: 16.06.2024
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    • Misteredd hat einen neuen Beitrag "#064 The Battle of Pharsalos "First Triumvirate" THE LEGIONS OF GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR Set 2" geschrieben. 31.05.2024

      Your question is to simplify does he keep his Cretans he had in Belgium 57 until Pharsalos? First the Cretans were mercenaries - he had to pay a awful lot money to keep them. Then he fought against Pompey who was in possession of Crete. Pompey ruled over the Cretan territory and therefore over their homes and their families - and Pompey emplored Cretan mercenaries - most likely relatives of those "Belgium" Cretans. Would they stay for more than ten years at Caesars side ? They had a choice legionaries did not have. They could cancel their mercenary employment. They were not drafted, they were not obliged to fight for the Fatherland. Did mercenaries from a poleis or small hellenistic entity fight mercenaries on the opposing side from the same poleis or entity? Or did they refuse to fight their kin?

      Then why did Caesar mention the Cretans by their name defending a Belgian town and fighting against the Belgians but did not name them afterward - even when they defeated the dreadful elefants? He named Germanic and Gallic Horsemen, Glatian (Deiotaric) Legionaries or even Iberian fighters when he used them.

      There are arguments that he used Cretans all the time - but these are founded simply on the fact, that he used them once in Belgium and that they were renowned to be the best. That are valid arguments.

      But my arguments against the use of Cretans at Pharsalsus are also valid. He did not mention them - he even names celtic cavalry deserting him. He never names any Cretans after Belgium. I do not know any battle of either the Gallic War nor the Civil War that has been influenced by bowmen of the Roman Caesarian army. How many Cretan archers were there anyway? Were there enough to serve in both armies? Alexander the Great employed 500 Cretan archers ( at Granicos), Antiochos the III had 1500 Cretans at Raphia and supplemented them by 1000 Neo-Cretans fighting in Cretan Style.

      So there were only a few Cretans available at all. Did Crassus hire Cretans for his Parthian Campain? How many Cretans did Pompey employ? Were there any Cretan archers left to hire for Caesar? I doubt that.

    • Misteredd hat einen neuen Beitrag "#064 The Battle of Pharsalos "First Triumvirate" THE LEGIONS OF GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR Set 2" geschrieben. 31.05.2024

      At the time of the Battle of Pharsalos Crete was in the realm of Pompey. Did a unit of Cretian Archers at any time did fight another unit of Cretian archers? They were mercenaries neither fighting for a common cause or their "imperator".

    • Misteredd hat einen neuen Beitrag "#064 The Battle of Pharsalos "First Triumvirate" THE LEGIONS OF GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR Set 2" geschrieben. 27.05.2024

      Sehe ich auch so. Dieses Set betreffend würde ich ein richtiges Set Kretische Bogenschützen vorziehen und diese Bogenschützen durch Legionäre mit Pilum oder eben Speer/Pike ersetzen, dann wäre es ein tolles passendes Pharsalos Set. Ein Set kretische Bogenschützen könnte man über einen enormen Zeitraum verwenden - mindestens von Alexander bis Germanicus.

    • Misteredd hat einen neuen Beitrag "#064 The Battle of Pharsalos "First Triumvirate" THE LEGIONS OF GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR Set 2" geschrieben. 26.05.2024

      Concerning Pharsalos there ought to be Legionaries armed with lances / spear to confront / trick those Pompeian Horses included.

    • Misteredd hat einen neuen Beitrag "#064 The Battle of Pharsalos "First Triumvirate" THE LEGIONS OF GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR Set 2" geschrieben. 26.05.2024

      Hmmn, I do not remember the use of bowmen during this battle. A Legionary using a sling is fine. I do recommend to rename this set for "Battle of Dyrracheion" . The battle preceding Pharsalos when Caesar and Pompey fought Alesia Style digging trenches and erecting walls and palisades to blockade the other party. This would be a proper battefield for those bowmen. I do like those Legionaries with different armour and the oval but large scutum shield. Very nice proper figures.

    • Misteredd hat einen neuen Beitrag "Ultina Ratio Iberians - the lost set " geschrieben. 23.05.2024

      I support that thinking. These are ancients -figures of people farely nobody knows. So I take the bitter pill and pay more to see them. I do not like WW2 figures ( sorry for Caesar Miniatiures Germans) .

    • Misteredd hat einen neuen Beitrag "Ultina Ratio Iberians - the lost set " geschrieben. 23.05.2024

      Ich hoffe immer noch auf Linear A Sets der iberischen Halbinsel.

    • Misteredd hat einen neuen Beitrag "Ultina Ratio Iberians - the lost set " geschrieben. 23.05.2024

      Bringt Mars Antike?

      Ich supporte Linear A - die bauen aktuell die besten Antiken und das viel preiswerter.

    • Misteredd hat das Thema "Ultina Ratio Iberians - the lost set " erstellt. 23.05.2024

    • Misteredd hat einen neuen Beitrag "Perfect score for linear-A" geschrieben. 11.04.2024

      Angesichts der Qualität ist das nur sehr wohl verdient.

      Das bringt doch große Vorfreude auf die kommenden Sets. Sehr gute Assyrer - holla, weitere Karthager, Römer, Hellenen etc.. Das wird noch sehr interessant.

    • Misteredd hat einen neuen Beitrag "Lucanians 4th - 3rd century B.C." geschrieben. 30.03.2024

      Concerning the slinger - the Samnites were a pastoral economy herding goats and cattle and the sling is the pastoral weapon anywhere, so I do not have any problems with the sling. But the archer is another thing. There is no archery tradition in the Italian tribes. King Hieron send as an ally of Rome some Cretan Mercenaries to Rome prior to Cannae to compensate this. Are there any depictions of ancient Italic archers?



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